WHAT IT DOES HarvestHold Extends Shelf Life & Quality With Novel Postharvest Technology

Easily apply HarvestHold Fresh® sheets anywhere from harvest to retail.
Block ethylene at the ideal time with a humidity-released formulation.

Extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by up to 50%.

Experience unmatched storability, portability, and flexibility.
HOW IT WORKS A Fresh Take on 1-MCP
1-MCP has revolutionized the produce industry, enabling fresher produce to reach more people in more places than ever. Recognizing the diverse needs of different types of produce, especially those that are more sensitive, we’ve taken the innovation a step further. We’ve developed a humidity-released approach that gradually delivers 1-MCP according to each fruit or vegetable’s unique respiration rate. This ensures that each type of produce receives the optimal amount of 1-MCP at just the right time, further enhancing freshness and quality.
Fruits and vegetables naturally respire as they age.

1-MCP gradually slows the ripening process to extend the life of produce.
Humidity triggers the HarvestHold Fresh sheet to gradually release 1-MCP.
- Significant yellowing of fruit
- Shriveling symptoms displayed
- Less marketable fruit
- Fruit yellowing significantly delayed
- Less shriveling
- Higher marketability
Images taken 19 days after application.
From farmers to wholesalers to retailers to consumers, HarvestHold makes the food supply chain more fruitful for all.

PRODUCE WE WORK WITH Quality You Can See and Taste
IN THE NEWS What’s Growing On?
Helping more tomatoes make it to pizza night